- Summary of 2017
- Zero deaths in 2017
- Soup of the Day
- Don't Let 'Button Dysfunction' Destroy Your World
- One of our Submarines
- Very Stable Genius
- How POTUS Got His Mooch Back
- The Very Stable Genius of Donald Trump
- Mmmm, Estonian Military Ration
- The Party of Family Values
- Shithole Countries
- White Punks On Dope
- What a time to be alive...
- Humor
- Then and Now
- Waffle House
- Inside Trump
- Linger
- Evangelicals' Candidate
- Working Hard
- Drums and Percussion
- Mmmm, Mail Order Canned Grasshoppers
- Vermont
- Zombie
- Cixin Liu
- Tourism to United Sates is down since Trump took office
- Exploding Crock-Pots
- Prophetic
- Lift Me Up
- And Another Superb Owl Sunday
- How a Steel Box Changed the World
- Low-Fat Diet
- Cadet Bone Spurs
- Mask Machine
- Due Process
- Infrastructure
- Flu
- P.F. Chang 2018
- This used to be a thing...
- February 15, 2018
- Europa And The Pirate Twins (Live)
- A Vile Troll is "Popular"
- Trump vs. The World
- A Very Dubious Book Recommendation
- Mmmm, Blue Meth
- Number Control
- Alive
- Italian Election
- Mmmm, Mail Order Canned Bread
- Paul Ryan
- Season's Song
- President for Life
- Mmmm, Chicken and Veal Paste
- Hush Money
- Airwaves
- Pornography Attorneys
- Cryptocurrencies
- Apple Pie
- March Sadness
- Everybody's Coming To My House
- Google Specialist
- Mike Pence
- A totally adequate amount of beets!
- You can go back to Myspace...
- To be Over (1975)
- Dear Republicans:
- You sit on a thrown of lies.
- The Dirty Dossier
- Subway
- Trump's Priorities
- Tengo Vida
- The True Meaning of Easter
- Immigration Courts
- Mmmm, Every-Meat Burrito
- Breaking the Long Silence
- I Don't Know How to Love Him
- Another Asswipe
- Ghosts Can't Do It
- Crisis Pregnancy Centers
- Mmmm, Homely Vegetarian Meat Balls
- Standing on the Shoulders of Kubrick
- Whatever You Do
- I haven't read it
- Corporate Taxes
- Shawarma
- Chumpions
- The Joke
- They love blonde, girl-next-door types
- The Gospel of Trump
- Iran Deal
- Mmmm, Tenderlion
- Trump's personal cell phone usage could be a national security threat
- William Gibson
- Feel The Love Go
- 2018 White House Correspondents' Dinner
- Stephen Colbert on Michelle Wolf's White House Correspondents' Dinner Speech
- Mmmm, Mail Order Pig Intestines
- Another Very Dubious Book Recommendation
- The May Queen (Live)
- Star Trek: The Last Voyage
- Trumpian Priorities
- Rudy Giuliani
- Chicken Paprikash
- Definitely Do No Want
- Good Kisser
- Trump voters are responsible for Trump
- Venezuela
- Mmmm, Mail Order Canned Crackers
- Trump was Duped
- You Worry Me
- H. G. Wells
- Counterintelligence Agents
- Rehab
- Bubble Bass' Order
- A most unsurprising announcement...
- Damn, dis-moi
- Neil Gaiman
- Fox "News" ratings plummet
- Roseanne
- Mmmm, Mail Order Pop-Tarts
- Not that it matters...
- Stacy's Mom
- So Presidential...
- Guardianship
- Mmmm, Hot Ham Water
- Destructive Propaganda Machine
- New World
- Increase Your Cognitive Ability
- Stupid Watergate II: Electric Boogaloo
- The answer is...
- Mmmm, Oily Food
- Patriotic / Unpatriotic
- The Physics and Philosophy of Time
- Red Rain
- Golfspeak
- Xi Jinping
- Mmmm, Deadpool Pizza
- Drone with a Flamethrower
- 21st Century Schizoid Man
- Interesting...
- Mexican Elections
- Omelettes
- 7-Eleven Ad
- Gold Rush
- If you don't like the comparison...
- Gene Editing
- Donald Trump is incapable of reading a book, much less writing one
- Mmmm, Mail Order Poutine Gravy
- Jon Stewart delivers a message to the President
- Growing Up
- Lost Kubrick
- Just like Merrick Garland?
- Mmmm, Car Panini
- Moral Monster
- Doesn't Matter
- Empires of the Deep
- Mmmm, Deep Fly
- Belittled Presidency
- Shock The Monkey (Live)
- @RealRBHJr
- Whining like a spoiled, ungrateful child
- Abortion Bill
- Flesh Bakery
- For-Profit Online University
- Americans
- Trump's Star
- Workplace Sexual Harassment
- Rear Chocolate
- Religious Liberty Task Force
- Light My Fire
- Dark Side Of The Rainbow
- Prosecutors
- Mmmm, Quicksters
- Today's GOP
- The End
- 2018 DCI World Championships - Indianapolis, IN
- Hey, Mr. Legislator!
- Astroturfing
- It's hard to suffer now
- It's a war over education
- I Say A Little Prayer
- The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears
- Trade
- Pioneer organization placed on suspension
- Mmmm, Solidified Whitish Mass
- If I talk with confidence...
- Bridge Over Troubled Water ( Aretha Franklin)
- Lindsay Graham
- Priest named in grand jury report worked for Youth Education in the Arts
- Retractions
- Mmmm, Eggscellent Challenge
- High Church
- Rhythm Of Love
- Jim Ryan
- 2018 DCA World Championships - Williamsport, PA
- This is who Brett Kavanaugh is
- Hurtful Things
- Fear
- Roundabout (2017)
- Yes featuring Anderson, Rabin, Wakeman - Live At The Apollo
- Smooth Running Machine
- Felony Disenfranchisement
- Mmmm, Bacon Pancakes
- Believe in something
- I've Seen All Good People
- This was a thing...
- Booknotes
- Mmmm, Muchroom Soup
- Just do it.
- In case there is any doubt...
- Owner of a Lonely Heart (2017)
- Graphic Novels
- Tariffs
- Facebook is a Toilet
- Mmmm, Direwolf Bread
- DCI membership removes George Hopkins from Hall of Fame
- How Do You Sleep?
- The Concept of Mass
- Shitty Person
- Brett Kavanaugh
- Mmmm, Mail Order Surströmming
- Cruelty
- Woman
- The Orphan Who Kept Getting Extremely Lucky
- Brazilian Elections
- Mmmm, Old adopted mother's vegetables just try the shrimp mushroom
- The Republican candidate for President has won the popular vote one time since 1988
- Fuck You
- Chess
- Saudi Arabia
- Mmmm, Mail Order Squid Ink
- Dire Wolf
- Trump Administration Eyes Defining Transgender Out of Existence
- A Vile Troll's Weird Obsession
- Shipwreck found in Black Sea is 'world's oldest intact'
- Mmmm, Coffee Pot Ramen
- Scary Pumpkin
- Undo
- State Attorneys General
- Mmmm, Pumpkin Pasties
- The Caravan
- People Have The Power
- "I'm an open book"
- Family Separation
- Mmmm, Vending Machine Whiskey
- It's very telling that we see no conservative news entities defending CNN
- Stairway to Heaven
- Respect
- Drain the Swamp
- Healthy food is for suckers
- Policy Time
- La Fiesta
- Evidence?
- Authoritarianism
- Snoopy's Thanksgiving
- The Wax and the Furious
- Little By Little
- Fox "News" Priorities
- America's Epic Fall
- Christmas Cookies
- Bad Taste
- President Evil
- Bluecoats Accept Invitation from DCI for Alumni to Perform at 2022 Championships
- A $50 Million Gingerbread Penthouse
- Mmmm, Mail Order Goose Fat
- If a NASCAR outhouse had a sound, it would be that
- Taken
- Elf on the Shelf
- Pants-On-Fireplace
- Mmmm, Mail Order Bacon Grease
- Peanut Stuff
- Untethered Angel
- Sick
- The Merriest Christmas
- 90% of youth active in high school church programs drop out of church by the time they are sophomores in college
- Brexit Update
- Mmmm, Roast Beast
- Donald Trump might be the stupidest President ever
- Christmas with the Devil
- It's all because of Jerry Falwell
- A Very Special Counsel Christmas
- Merry Christmas Will Byers
- Seasonal Good Will to All
- Newtonian Swag: 2018
- Mmmm, Exploding Vegetables
- Deep admiration and respect for our troops
- A Vile Troll is Stupid
- Don't Kill the Whale
- Most Popular Porn Searches: 2018
- 2018: Yet Another Shitty Year in Review