Swiss? That’s a new one…


.uk? For a Swiss Lottery?

Date: Thu, 17 May 2007 18:12:00 -0700

Voltastraat 101, 7903 AA, Hoogeveen, Netherlands.

Netherlands? WTF?


Woo Hoo! I’m rich!

You have been awarded € 750,000 Euros in the SWISS-LOTTO Satellite Software email lottery in which e-mail addresses are picked randomly by Software powered by the Internet through the worldwide website.

Heckuva business model you got there.

Your email address, attached to Ref number 18, 43, 5, 7, 14, 17 with Serial number 2378-32 drew the lucky Numbers 56, and consequently won the lottery in the “A” Category. You have therefore been approved for a lump sum pay out of € 750,000 Euros.

Not only do you have a dubious business model, you can’t pick unique winning numbers.

Please note that your lucky winning number falls within our European Booklet representative office in Europe as indicated in your play coupon. In View of this, your € 750,000 Euros will be released to you by our accredited claims agent located in Europe. Our European agent will immediately commence the process to facilitate the release of your winning funds as soon as you contact them.

Like that’s ever going to happen…

All participants were selected randomly from World Wide Web site through computer draw System and extracted from over 800,000,000 companies and individual email addresses.

Is this the same computer you used to “generate” the winning numbers?

This promotion takes place annually. For security reasons, you are advised to keep your winning details confidential till your claims is processed and your winning prize remitted to you in whatever manner you deem fit to claim your prize. This is part of our precautionary measure to avoid double claiming and unwarranted abuse of this program by some unscrupulous elements.


To file for your claim, please contact our/your accredited claims agent:

Tania Huffman
Tel: 31-61-970-5454

Provide our/your accredited claims agent with the information as stated below:

1. Name:
2. Address:
3. Age:
4. Sex:
5. Marital Status:
6. Occupation:
7. Country of Residence:
8. Nationality:
9. Telephone Number:
10. Fax Number:
11. Draw Number above:

These details facilitate the due process and the release of winnings to avoid unnecessary delays and complications in the processing of your winnings. Always remember to quote your Reference/serial number in any correspondences with us or our/your designated claims agent.

Congratulations again from all our staff and thank you for being part of our promotions program. Any breach of confidentiality on the part of the winners will result to disqualification.

Oh No!

Miss. Annie Van Kijk
Voltastraat 101,
7903 AA, Hoogeveen, Netherlands.

A Swiss/Dutch lottery sending email with a return address from a computer in Canada. Yeah, right.

See also:

61 thoughts on “SWISS-LOTTO”

  1. They ask for money to ship the check to me!!! I just stumbled upon this “awareness page” after common sense set in. Unfortunately they have some personal info of mine, should I be worried.

  2. Hello sir i was won four milloon euro then i send my all joker no, wining no. and other formelities then aaainternationalcourierservice said your doccuments are complete we send your cheque with in 2 or 4 days but after 15 days i can not get my cheque
    Thanks (Akash Khurana)

  3. what a load of of pants if ever the world needed sorting it’s now, lets forget terroists, and get Bush to hunt these muppets down as they seem to cause more harm, and at least he might be able to catch them!!!!!

  4. you know i was sent an email last year from Microsoft Lottery… that i have won 1 Milliob Euro.they sent me a form to fill and i was advised to process it within no time which i did. suddenly they start asking me money to sent them for this and that. you wont believe that i sent them more than 5,000 EURO for processing. it has been more than a year i am trying to get hold of them. all i get is these bloody spam emails saying that i have won this and that much money. if your”P. Hans” the cheater is reading this email make sure i am gona get oneday and i will cut you in 10000s pieces and will receive my money with interest.
    at the end i would like to advise the innocent people not to trust these things and make sure that it doesnt happen with them.
    best regards,
    Asif Hayat

  5. Hi to all well i have just recieved an email saying i won $1million US dollars in a swiss lottery, not knowing wether to believe it or not i have just givin them minimal info and not money well they havent asked for any yet but i have recieved an email from this bank in the UK now im waiting for the details to be sent to me. I’m not believing it until my money is in my account and i havent paid a thing to get it then i will jump for joy!!!!
    Here is hoping this aint a scam cause omg if it is i will hunt these mother fuckers down and kill them…….. from aussy chick

    1. tara, i would like to give one advise to you that you should never give your bank account number to any one…. these things are all frauds.. they will take account number, with that they will make some ATM cards and withdraw the whole amount from ur b caerfull. next time dont follow such kind of msgs..

      1. I think this TARA is together with those scammers and is writing here just to say he or she could receive the money without any problems just by paying some fee of 750,00 Euro. Always be suspicious when you receive something on line that is not publicly announced. I feel very sorry for those dumb people whose greed will not let them see the absurdity of these lotteries and are sending their money or giving their personal data. The only way of getting rich is by making other people do your job so that you can make 10 or 100 times more at the same time, depends on the number of people working for you, this is called surplus value and those who studied The Capital of Carl Max, knows it. THE ONLY WAY TO GET RICH IS BY MAKING PEOPLE WORK FOR YOU and that´s all.

  6. I got an email last jan 4 and we are negotiating where my winnings be sent. I wanted them to mail me the check but I was told that my funds had been “lodge in bonds with barclays bank in accordance with the British Gaming Rules”. Sounds great, isn’t it? Well, I have no plans of giving/sending them any amount to pay for whatever fee that they are demanding. I will wait and see what is next……….

  7. Its tough life which is making people believe in such crap, I new it’s not true but I rushed sending back my information, however of course I’m not going to send any money, I have a contact details and a working telephone number for them, the question is: to whom I can send these information? Could this help to stop these people?

  8. A mail was sent to me first from microsoft lotto lottery and then from swiss lotto, but when i schecked the net they all were big frauds. kindly all beware.

  9. Hey…I have rec email from “PAYMENT CENTER OFFICE MICROSOFT” stating have won 1 crore Euro, have replied them what is the proof will rec money, have reply stating winning certificate, have given me account no of ICICI Bank – New Delhi India, Receiver Name – ELIZABETH CHINZAH, Account No – 039601507116…Seeing the posting feel it is scam…Till have not made any payment…What Shall I do????

    1. Do nothing, forget about it and try to make money some other way. I really hope you haven´t given them your bank details.

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    Attachments, pictures, and links in this message have been blocked for your safety. Show content
    You may not know this sender.Mark as safe|Mark as unsafe
    Sent: Tuesday, May 20, 2008 3:54:24 AM

    Palistrinalaan 44, 8011vn,
    Zwolle Netherlands

    CONGRATULATIONS!!!…..YOU HAVE WON € 1.000,000.00. Euros

    You have been awarded € 1.000,000.00. Euros in the SWISS-LOTTO Satellite Software
    email lottery in which e-mail addresses are picked randomly by Software powered
    by the Internet through the worldwide website.

    Your email address was amongst those chosen this year for the SWISS-LOTTO
    Satellite lottery. And this promotion is proudly sponsored by the SWISS-LOTTO
    NETHERLANDS organization.

    You can log on to our website for more information concerning our
    Entire lotto promo

    Your email address, attached to ticket number 18, 43, 5, 7, 14, 17 with Serial
    number 2378-32 the Batch No:2234/22322/B2-18 drew the lucky Numbers 56, identity number 657-65/GR 5304 and consequently won the lottery in
    the “A” Category. You have therefore been approved for a lump sum pay out of €
    1.000,000.00. Euros.

    How can I make the claim of my prize?
    Your winning details falls within our Asia/pacific booklet representative office as indicated in the draw system, regarding that, your prize will be release to you by our paying bank SIAM CITY BANK BANGKOK THAILAND. in Asia and we have forwarded your winning details to the BRANCH MANAGER SIAM CITY BANK BANGKOK THAILAND to facilitate the immediate release of your prize through there paying bank in accordance with the prize release regulation.

    To make the claim of your prize, contact the bank officially.
    Remember to include your full name,email address telephone and fax number to enable the bank contact you immediately for the payment

    forward them with your winner’s identification number.

    All participants were selected randomly from World Wide Web site through
    computer draw System and extracted from over 800,000,000 companies and
    individual email addresses.

    This promotion takes place annually. For security reasons, you are advised to
    keep your winning details confidential till your claims is processed and your
    winning prize remitted to you in whatever manner you deem fit to claim your
    prize. This is part of our precautionary measure to avoid double claiming and
    unwarranted abuse of this program by some unscrupulous elements.

    To file for your claim, please contact our Asia accredited claims bank

    Mr. Johnson Kim
    Tel: 66870586519
    Fax: 662 253 8014

    BRANCH MANAGER SIAM CITY BANK Email johnsonkim@gawab,com

    Provide your accredited claims agent with the information as stated below:
    11. Draw Number above:

    Congratulations again from all our staff and thank you for being part of our
    promotions program.

    Hans William

    PRIVACY: This correspondence may contain confidential or legally privileged information or both. No confidentiality or privilege is waived or lost by any mistransmission. You have received this information in your mail box from Swiss-Lotto online promo management board.

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    I transfer money to stay in Alexandria Egypt

    1. Je suis vraiment désolé pour ceux qui sont muets envoyer de l’argent ou de donner des données à caractère personnel à ces escrocs sans scrupules. Mais en même temps je pense méritée.

  11. الماذا تطلبون الاموال مقابل الشيكات و الاوراق الرسمية و على حسب التعليقات فان هذا كله كذب لسلب اموال الناس

  12. Why are asking for-money checks and official papers, according to comments this whole lied to steal people’s money

  13. est ce que j’ai vraiment gagné le prix de 1.000,000.00 euros.mon telephone:213771077031

  14. I have recieved an email telling me that i have won 1 million euroes on 21 of may 2008 and ihave send them my name with all information they asked for , they didnot send any answer yet but iwont say they are liers till i make sure and i hope not

  15. Estos hijos de puta creen que pueden jugar con la ilusión y buena voluntad de las personas más pobres….malditos hijos de la gran maraca!!!!
    Ojalá Obama les parta el culo con un hacha!!!

  16. مرحبا بكم فى عالم اتحاد الاديان والسلام العالمى عالم رخاء تنمية استقرار وتقدم
    غذاء – كساء – سلام – حرية

  17. بالاضافة الى العدل
    من زعيم اتحاد
    الاديان والسلام العالمى

  18. Ladies and Gentlemen,

    If you have not worked for it, it isn’t yours. Please do not be greedy and expect money for nothing. IT is a CON; a SCAM…should ring in your mind every time you receive unsolicited emails. If you have not played the Swiss lottery, how the hell would you expect to have won? Why in God’s name would anybody sell a work at home system that works while you sleep??
    Ever heard of
    Google if are in doubts. I.E if they call it “million dollars system”, google “million dollars system scam “and see what comes out of it.
    I bet you will be surprised.
    I hope they have not already managed to steal some of your money.


  19. На мой e-mail пришло письмо о выигрыше в SWISS-LOTTO, я не сразу поняла, что это мошенники, ответила на письмо, они прислали форму для заполнения, в общем, у нас с ними активная переписка. Вставляю здесь копию одного письма, если нужно, могу переслать все другие, последнее пришло сегодня, я на него не отвечала. Если могу быть чем-то полезной, рада буду помочь, разберитесь, пожалуйста.
    С уважением Galina Tarazanova, Russia.
    Van Limburg Stirumstraat 40,
    2316 TS, Leiden, Netherlands.


    ATTN: Galina Tarazanova,

    We hereby acknowledge and confirm the receipt of your email regarding the claims of your lotto winning prize and we would also like to inform you that without the required payment for the Administrative/Governmental Tax and the signed copy of the affidavit of claims your lotto winning prize will not be remitted to you, these are the standard procedures for all international winners in the Swiss Lotto.

    This is to inform you that the Administrative/Governmental tax is what we will use to obtain your winning certificate and your Non Residence tax clearance certificate from the Netherlands court of justice here in the Netherlands that is the standard procedures for all international winner of this lottery, as soon as you make the payment for the tax you are to fax a copy of the payment slip and the Affidavit of claims to the fax number below as we already have a copy of your identification with us.

    As your claims agent I want the best for you this lottery is for real as soon as you make the payment for the tax I promise you that in less them 72 hours your winning cash prize will be in your account in Russia.

    Remember that know one is forcing you to make claim of your lotto winning prize is left for you to either make claims or leave it.

    Congratulations again from all our staff and thank you for being part of our promotions program. Any breach of confidentiality on the part of the winners will result to disqualification.

    Mr. Bruno Van Haary
    Tel: +31-616-775-439
    Fax: +31-847-205-416
    Fiduciary Agent.

    NOTE: If at any time you have questions or comments please contact us as we strive to ensure that you will always receive a prompt and courteous attention.

  20. Anónimo writes:

    juanchi el sordo July 9, 2009
    El lugar: Concesionario Biella, en Salta Argentina. Estaba esperando junto a otro que tenía los ojos tan rojos como la sangre, ido, fumao, raro, en ese momento llega un tipo flaco, canoso y con cara de lapiz. Entra como dueño de casa, pregunta cosas, se queda en el oficina, el fulano que estaba conmigo me dice: sabes quien es ese? Ese es el Juez Martín Pérez…” me quedé tranquilo porque yo iba a comprar un perrito para tener para ir a enseñar. El punto sigue hablando: “es un flor de tipo, es dueño de aqui, pero el turco aparece como dueño, pero es socio aquí, el Juez y el turco son amigos desde chico si te pones te larga en el acto, mirá mi amigo Ecar chorió un remise y lo asaltó al remisero, vine a hablar con el turco y lo largo en el acto, ahora traigo la propina para el boga, para este juez, aquí comprá tranqui que los autos vienen “limpios” aquí se arregla todo y son baratos” yo escuchaba y escucchaba nada ma´s “se está haciendo una casa – el juez – a todo culo en Tres Cerritos, es piola el vago. el deschave seguía y no sabía si irme o quedarme. “Mirá si sos amigo, salis, pero si te le cruzas a este, moriste te hace mierda. Pero de acuerdo a lo que me contó el Turco (Abdenur) ahora son socios, el Juez no puede aparecer en nada (el vago se dá otro saque) el flaco canoso sigue adentro viendo papeles según el tipo “el juez martín (fernando) perez, me contó “el turco la mujer lo hace mierda y cuando este se va a jugar al voley y desaparece por dias, dicen que es juez tambien de voley…” fueron solo 5 minutos y enteré de un poco más de roña en la Justicia de Salta Argentina y de un Juez llamado MARTIN FERNANDO PEREZ, DE UN JUZGADO PENAL DE SALTA, que según el vago su primo está en la Corte y es el dueño de un boliche donde venden droga. que justicia!!!! si, Justicia…. pero de mierda

    Anónimo # 10. July 2009, 04:36

    Anónimo writes:

    Asi es, hay jueces que dan pena, en cambio lo teníamos al Dr. Gareca que denunció y procesó a políticos de salta y lo echaron, eso es lamentable y no que se diga quehay un juez que se llame Martín perez es carnero cuando se va con el equipo de rugby, o de voley…eso no es importante tampoco es malo que tenga un primo en la Corte ni que se venda droga en un boliche de su pariente, sino que tenga una concesionaria, Biella Automotores, donde se resuelvan las causa de los presos amigos comoe ese que nombra Equer o Eccar o como se llame. Pero si esto se enterase el Dr. Gareca, un Sr, Juez, creo que lo investigaría a Martín Perez y hasta lo denunciaría. Leo siempre las defensas del Dr, Garecay me quedo admirADO de su polenta, no afloje, que Martín Perez no tendría que ser Juez y Ud. tiene que volver.

  21. This is stil happening. I have been reminded twice in 3 days to supp;y the information. Does anyone actually fall for this crap?

  22. Hi’ I got this message that i’m a lucky winner of 750.000 gpb??? swiss lotto, and the bank whose supposedly should pay me that sum of money is in Nigeria. Ha’ Called my local bank in Finland and they said no one gives you any money nowhere ever in this kind of matter. So I’ts just a fucking scam, fraud and bullshit thing alltogether!!!!

    Caius Cimulus…

  23. hola a mi mandaron este mail
    Voltastraat 101,
    7903 AA, Hoogeveen, Holanda.
    https: / /

    FELICIDADES! … Has ganado € 750.000

    Usted ha sido galardonado con € 750.000 euros en la lotería de SWISS-LOTTO satélite correo electrónico de software en el que las direcciones de correo electrónico son recogidos al azar por Software powered by Internet a través de la página web de todo el mundo.

    Su dirección de correo electrónico se encontraba entre los elegidos este año para el sorteo de SWISS-LOTTO satélite. Y esta promoción es orgullosamente patrocinado por la organización suiza-LOTTO PAÍSES BAJOS.

    Su dirección de correo electrónico, unida al número Ref. 18, 43, 5, 7, 14, 17 con número de serie 2378-32 señaló a la suerte de los números 56, y por lo tanto ganó la lotería en la categoría “A”. Usted ha sido aprobado tanto por una suma global pagar de € 750.000 euros.

    Tenga en cuenta que su número ganador con suerte cae dentro de nuestra oficina de representación de África en África folletos como se indica en el cupón de juego. En vista de esto, su € 750.000 euros se dará a conocer a usted por nuestro banco acreditado autorizados situados en Nigeria. Nuestro banco aprobó comenzará inmediatamente el proceso para facilitar la liberación de su ganador fondos tan pronto como usted en contacto con ellos.

    Todos los participantes fueron seleccionados al azar en la World Wide Web a través del sistema de drenaje de la computadora y extraído de más de 800.000.000 empresas y direcciones individuales de correo electrónico.

    Esta promoción se lleva a cabo anualmente. Por razones de seguridad, se recomienda que guardemos sus datos confidenciales hasta que sus reclamos es procesada y su premio fue remitido a usted de cualquier manera que consideren adecuada para reclamar su premio. Esto es parte de nuestra medida de precaución para evitar la doble reivindicación y el abuso injustificado de este programa por algunos elementos sin escrúpulos.

    Para presentar para su reclamo, por favor póngase en contacto con nuestros / banco pagador:

    Zenith Banco de NIGERIA
    Correo electrónico: (info.zenithbankplc @)
    El Sr. Andrew Martin
    Tel: +2348095974929

    Proporcionar la información al banco el pago de reclamos como se indica a continuación:

    1. Nombre:
    2. Dirección:
    3. Edad:
    4. Sexo:
    5. Estado civil:
    6. Ocupación:
    7. País de residencia:
    8. Nacionalidad:
    9. Número de teléfono:
    10. Número de fax:
    11. Dibujar Número arriba:

    Estos detalles facilitar el debido proceso y la liberación de las ganancias para evitar retrasos innecesarios y complicaciones en la tramitación de sus ganancias. Recuerde siempre de citar su referencia / número de serie en cualquier correspondencias con nosotros o nuestro / su banco pagador designado.

    Felicitaciones de nuevo de todo nuestro personal y gracias por ser parte de nuestro programa de promociones. Cualquier violación de la confidencialidad por parte de los ganadores tendrá como resultado la descalificación.

    Miss Van kijk Annie.

    solo quiero saber si es verdad o mentira por favor mandenme un mail a mi casilla porque no me gusta hacerme iluciones de cosas que no son.
    y les comento que si todo esto es una mentira yo no voy hacer nada pero si Mi DIOS se va a encargar porque yo soy su hija.
    espero que me manden algun mail mas

  24. Buen dia, me llego un correo, que dice que he sido galardonada con un premio de 750.000 euros, en la lotería de swiss-lotto satélite y que me contacte con el banco les mande un mail pero nunca me respondieron…

    Ref No:EUXX/74-Npl0109872010.

    We wish to inform you of the results of E-mail ID lottery international program by EL GODOMAS ESPANOL
    held on the 7th of OCTOBER 2010. Your Email was picked as a winner of a lump sum pay out of ?250,000.00 Euros
    (Two Hundred And Fifty Thousand Euros Only) .

    You are to contact our Accredited Claims Bank for validation an Claims:

    Contact Person: Dr.Luis Garcia
    Bank Email:
    Tel: +34-634165846
    Fax: +34-911820384

  26. Good day i have received on the 28/10/2010 at 20:16 Ref gt43658 an sms from the following number South Africa, Port Elizabeth 0843617748, to inform me that i have won 500,000 pounds in SWISS LOTTO 2010 PROMO and that i need to call Mr. Philip +27844420100 to claim my prize. And agian at 29/10/2010 time 11:51 that reads Final Notice Ref: 43658 saying, you, (i) have 48hrs to claim my price winning 500,000 pound in http://www.swisslottol.CH 2010 PROMO CALL Mr. Philip +27844420100 at my aria for my cash prize, or call Mr. Frank in our HEAD OFFICE at +447031741790 all so your winnings amount has been insure by c/c insurrance company, SWISS LOTTO LONDON.



  27. i have received several sms’s to congratulate me that i have won swiss lotto, of R500,000pouns ref gt43658, the money is enssured by cc insurace, and cheq will be deliverd by inter couriers my waybill no i will receive only when the courier company has been paid. i need to know if this is true and correct, please reply to my email. Kind Regard’s

    Mrs. Randall

  28. hello I received a sms from you at the phone number +37744647698, I do not know What are to do with it if you can market with something about him. i am from kosova qao

  29. Recibi su correo electronico sobre los numeros afortunados, en lo,que sali ganadora, espero sea cierto, por favor contactenme, ya que en estos momentos esoy pasando momentos muy dificiles, ya que fue detectada con cancer y estoy a punto de perder mi casa, por favor comuniquense conmigo. gracias.

  30. i got a email from from you.and told me to send the detail at it right email.can i sent on this email,

    Bloemenstraat 321, 2685 AG,
    Poeldijk, Nederlands.


    You have been awarded 850,000.00 Euro in the SWISS LOTTO Satellite Software email lottery in which e-mail addresses are picked randomly by Software powered by the internet through the worldwide website.

    Your email address was amongst those chosen this year for the SWISS LOTTO Satellite lottery. And this promo is proudly sponsored by the SWISS LOTTO organization.

    You can log on to our website for more information concerning our entire lottery promo

    Your email address, attached to Reference Number NLD/17-I070182/09 with Serial Number FAI/EU01/SL drew the Lucky Number 10, and consequently won the lottery in the “A” Category. You have therefore been approved for a lump sum pay out of 850,000.00 Euro.

    Please note that your lucky winning number falls within our European Booklet representative office in Europe as indicated. In View of this, your 8500,000.00 Euro will be dully processed and remitted to you by our/your accredited fiduciary agent located in Europe. Our agent will immediately commence with the process to facilitate the remittance of your winning prize as soon as you contact them.

    All participants were selected randomly from World Wide Web site through a computer draw system and they were extracted from over a billion email addresses of companies and individual world wide.

    This promotion takes place annually. For security reasons, you are advised to keep your winning details confidential till your winning prize is dully processed and remitted to you in whatever manner you deem fit to receive your winning prize. This is part of our precautionary measure to avoid double claiming and unwarranted abuse of this program by some unscrupulous elements.

    To file for your claim, please contact our/your accredited fiduciary agent:

    Tomas Hendriks
    Tel: +31-64-425-8175

    Provide him with the information below:
    1. Name:
    2. Address:
    3. Marital Status:
    4. Age:
    5. Sex:
    6. Telephone Number:
    7. Fax Number:
    8. Reference Number:
    9. Serial Number:
    10. Lucky Number
    11. Category

    The above details facilitate the release of your lottery winnings prize and also to avoid unnecessary delays and complications in the processing of your lottery winning prize, always remember to quote your lottery winning details in all your correspondences with us or our designated agent.

    Congratulations once more from all members and staff of this program and thank you for being part of our promotional program.

    Yours truly,
    Visser Van Leeuwen
    Online Games Director
    Bloemenstraat 321, 2685 AG,
    Poeldijk, Nederlands.

  32. WOW, ich habe gestern auch Geld gewohnen:-)

    Bloemenstraat 321, 2685 AG,
    Poeldijk, Nederlands.

    Dear Winner,

    This is to inform you that you have won 850,000.00 Euro in the SWISS LOTTO E-Mail Lottery in which E-Mail address are selected randomly from the internet through the world wide web.

    Your E-Mail address, attached to Reference Number NLD/17-I070182/09 with Serial Number FAI/EU01/SL drew the Lucky Number 10, and consequently won the E-Mail Lottery in the “A” Category. You have therefore been approved for the pay out of 850,000.00 Euro

    To file for your claim, please contact our/your accredited agent:
    Tomas Hendriks
    Tel: +31-64-425-8175

    Remember to quote your lottery winning details in all your correspondences with us or our/your designated agent.

    Congratulations once more from all members and staff of this program and thank you for being part of our 2011 promotional program.

    Yours truly,
    Visser Van Leeuwen
    Online Games Director

    3067DV, LAIDEN.


    You have been awarded 750,000 Euros in the SWISS-LOTTO Satellite Software email Lottery in which e-mail addresses are picked randomly by Software powered by the Internet through the worldwide website, your email address was amongst those Chosen this year for the SWISS-LOTTO Satellite lottery. And this promotional program is proudly sponsored by the SWISS-LOTTO organization.

    Your email address attached to Ref number 5, 7, 14, 17, 18, 43 with Serial 10, and consequently won the lottery in the “A” Category. You have therefore been approved for a lump sum pay out of 750,000 Euros. Number 1979-12 drew the lucky Numbers 101979-12 drew the lucky Numbers please note that you are lucky winning number falls within our European Booklet representative. In View of this, your winning prize will be released to you by our fiduciary agent located In the Netherlands. Our European agent will immediately commence the process to facilitate the release of your winning funds as soon as you Contact them.

    This promotion takes place annually. For security reasons, you are advised to keep your winning details confidential till your claims is processed and your Winning funds remitted to you in whatever manner you deem fit to Claim your prize. This is part of our precautionary measure to avoid double claiming and unwarranted d abuse of this program by some unscrupulous elements.

    To file for your claim, please contact our fiduciary agent:
    Mr. mark quartel
    Tel: +31-685-045-366

    Provide him with the informations as stated below:
    (1) Name:
    (2) Address:
    (3) Marital:
    (4) Age:
    (5) Sex:
    (6) Nationality:
    (7) Country of Residence:
    (8) Occupation:
    (9) Telephone Number:
    (10)Fax Number:
    (11)Draw Number above:

    These details facilitate the due process and the release of winnings to avoid Unnecessary delays and complications in the processing of your Winnings.

    Congratulations once more from all members and staff of this program.

    Mr. Kenneth Gram
    Online Games Director

  34. i m so much happy today.that i have to sell another kidney also for this fucking side. please send me some money to be alive in this fake world.
    address:kathmandu ,nepal

  35. Esto es otro correo basura para que los incautos den sus datos,y estos delincuentes hagan todo tipo de triquiñuelas con sus datos.Y hasta pueden caer en prisión por pendejos,pajúos,pajeros,boludos,o cualquier nombre con mismo significado.

  36. Dear … I’m A.J. and I live in Brazil (Sao Paulo) … I also received message that I won 750,000 Euros and I not informed at all, of course!!. Just asked for their part, more concrete information and if so … to deposit in my account here in Brazil and so I do not have to travel to Nigeria to receive this money ….. As Tara said … if it falls in my account will profit … but did not say anything without the proper security … Big hug to all

  37. This text bellow its for brazilian people( for this motive its not in English, who wants, may translate):

    Prezados brasileiros:
    Existem glpistas internacionais tentando iludir os menos esclarecidos oferecendo premios que supostamente não existem:
    a) Nunca informem o numero de suas respectivas contas bancárias;
    b) Nunca forneçam seus endereços ou dados pessoais via internet para fontes desconhecidas;
    c) Procurem verificar as origens das informações e pesquisem por meios prórprios se existem referências na internet a respeito do assunto;
    d) Nunca paguem nada pelo nada que voces estão recebendo;
    e) Em casos extremos, procurem a sede da Policia Federal mais próximo da sua residência ou via web;
    f) O mais importante: Não sejam idiotas virtuais…

    Cordiais saudações a todos…
    and Best regards for whom doesn’t speak portuguese.


  38. I have won the amount US$10 million in the swiss lotto netherland please check and mail me in above address…………..

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