- Drum and Bugle Corps Scores - 2003
- _Iron Chef USA_ is an Unholy Abomination Straight from the Deepest Pit of Hell
- Gutenberg Bible on the Internet
- The Thought Police are Watching
- Skeptical Links
- Drum and Bugle Corps/Drum Corps Search Engine Rankings
- An Incredibly Insightful Quote from Jon Stewart
- GI Joke
- 2003 DCI World Championships - Orlando, FL
- Roger Ailes is a Big Fat Idiot
- Fair and Balanced: Fox News Channel Wholly without Merit...
- Fair and Balanced: Fox News Channel, What a Bunch of Sore Losers
- 2003 DCA World Championships - Scranton, PA
- Polygraph Testing Less than Worthless
- Fair and Balanced: Fox News Channel no longer the most Fair and Balanced
- Fair and Balanced Web Sites
- Opus Returns!
- A Technical Summary of the Major Presidential Candidates' Web sites (2004 election)
- Attention Internet Explorer Users
- David Limbaugh is also a Big Fat Idiot
- Reasons to Dislike Bush
- O'Rlrr
- Doctor Who Returns!
- George W. Bush's Medieval Presidency
- Mr. Krabs would not approve
- The Wit and Wisdom of Randal Graves
- Rush Limbaugh is a Big Fat Drug Addict
- Only 29% Evil
- Sounds like a bunch of New Age hippie crap to me
- Yet another reason to hate people
- Man Jerks Off at Women's Center Fair
- _The Two Towers_ and Golf Balls
- Right Wing Whacking Material
- The return of _Battlestar Galactica_ - WHY???
- Things are getting worse because things are getting better
- Miserable Failure
- George W. Bush Joke
- Bush's Press Conference
- George W. Bush's Mission Accomplished Lie Revisited
- Donald Luskin is a whiny, hypocritical crybaby
- Fox News, your voice for evil
- US version of _UFO_?
- 23.86588% - Geek
- Micro Focus Moves Mainframe Apps to .Net
- Polygraph: Green River Killer Passed a 1984 Lie Detector Test
- Damn Liberal Media
- Miserable Failure Project: Update
- Senator Bill Frist's Web Shenanigans
- Aaaaaaaaaaah!
- Miserable Failure Project
- DNC and RNC Web Sites
- Mmmm, Beer
- FAQ, Real Soon Now
- Relative Popularity of the Major Presidential Candidates' Web Sites
- George W. Bush, Coward
- Church signs I'd like to see
- Dennis Kucinich gets a few Karma Points
- It's B. C. that Stinks
- Polygraphs: but they scare the Hell out of people
- Opus has Returned
- Yet Another Example of Bill Frist's Hypocrisy