(via Eschaton)
David Limbaugh makes the following claim in his book,
99.8 is obviously a made up number. Never mind the fact that it clearly ignores
Native Americans and many African slaves (which if counted would likely put the number well below 50%), but there is no way one could honestly come up with such a precise number.
By the way, to the Christian Right, persecution means “other beliefs are tolerated in the U.S.A.” or “they won’t let us turn the U.S.A. into a theocracy”.
I have not read the book persecution. I have read enough elswhere, to know christians are being persecuted. If you denie that, you are simply ignorant or worse a lier. why don’t you read the book before you react?
You should put the page number by the 99.8 % quote. As you did not reasonable people are drawn to the thought you are misquoting or lying.
excuse me…..so many ignorant people around here…according to my bible…CHRISTIANS ARE SUPPOSED TO BE PERSECUTED….AND THEN THEY ARE SUPPOSED TO LIKE IT……But instead we have a slew of christian wannabe’s who just want the good parts like new cars and mansions and just leave me alone i’m a good person.READ THE BIBLE!instead of letting someone else do it for you…….LIKE THE DEVIL.the path is very “narrow” but it’s perfectly straight!christ went to the cross!!!and so must you!
I too believe that christians are being persecuted
and it is true that a servant is not above their master. However we need to recognize the command Christ gave to love one another. Not just love them if they are of the same political thought or ideology but if they are of a different denomination or religion too. If a person loves those who love them what difference will that make? Speak the truth in love, love in all we do, preach the gospel and use words when you have to.
How Religious Was America in 1776?