(via Eschaton) God Hates Shrimp: Shrimp, crab, lobster, clams, mussels, all these are an abomination before the Lord, just as gays are an abomination. Why stop at protesting gay marriage? Bring all of God’s law unto the heathens and the sodomites. We call upon all Christians to join the crusade against Long John Silver’s and … Continue reading “God Hates Shrimp”
Category: Religion
An Example of Poor Planning
Man treated after attempting to nail himself to cross: HARTLAND – A Hartland man was treated at a Pittsfield hospital after he nailed himself to a cross. The 23-year-old man apparently was trying to commit suicide Thursday evening in his living room, the Bangor Daily News reported. Somerset County Sheriff Barry DeLong said Monday that … Continue reading “An Example of Poor Planning”
_The Passion of the Christ_
Here’s some alternatives… Last Temptation of Christ I don’t care what everyone else says – casting Harvey Keitel as Judas was brilliant. Monty Python’s Life of Brian Brian: You are all individuals! The Crowd: We are all individuals! Man in crowd: I’m not. Jesus Christ Superstar Judas is the voice of reason? What’s not to … Continue reading “_The Passion of the Christ_”
Christian Porn Addicts
Billboards Target Christian Porn Addicts: “Her gift for Valentines? Stop looking at porn,” proclaim billboards put up by NetAccountability, a nonprofit software company that aims to help Christians confront the “secret sin” of pornography. If national surveys are any indication, it is a personal battle waged by millions of Christians. Almost 18 percent of people … Continue reading “Christian Porn Addicts”
Religion vs. Science
From the SKEPTIC mailing list: First, the Christian: How do you know your god exists? The Bible says so. How do you know the Bible tells the truth? I have faith. What if the Bible is wrong and your god doesn’t exist? That’s impossible. Now the physicist: How do you know charge comes in discrete … Continue reading “Religion vs. Science”
It’s B. C. that Stinks
(via Eschaton) Cartoon Raises a Stink: This strip is either a: shockingly unfunny attempt at toilet humor, or a shockingly unfunny (and offensive) slam at Islam. Does anyone else find it ironic that Johnny Hart pushes his religious views in a comic strip called B. C.?
Church signs I’d like to see
Thanks to Glorfindel of Gondolin for this one Thanks to the Church Sign Generator.
David Limbaugh is also a Big Fat Idiot
(via Eschaton) David Limbaugh makes the following claim in his book, Persecution: IN 1776, 99.8% OF THE PEOPLE IN AMERICA WERE PROFESSED CHRISTIANS 99.8 is obviously a made up number. Never mind the fact that it clearly ignores Native Americans and many African slaves (which if counted would likely put the number well below 50%), … Continue reading “David Limbaugh is also a Big Fat Idiot”
Gutenberg Bible on the Internet
AUSTIN, Texas (AP) — The University of Texas has put its entire two-volume Gutenberg Bible on the Internet, making it easier for scholars and the public to browse one of the world’s most valuable books. Check it out: The Gutenberg Bible: Digital Gutenberg Images
Just Wondering…
Isn’t the idea of talking vegetables blasphemous?