(via get your war on) My wife and I made our living wills last night. Mine says that if I fall into a persistent vegetative state, and Tom DeLay comes within a hundred miles of me, I am to turn into a zombie and rip his fucking head off. They can’t prosecute the undead for … Continue reading “Living Will”
Category: Religion
Rev. Michael E. Schmidt
In case there was any doubt Rev. Michael E. Schmidt is an objectively shitty person, he attempted to post this to my guestbook (Note: I replaced variations of my name with x’s. Otherwise the text is identical to what he tried to post): Name: your wife is so ugly Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx Email: yourwifeisugly@hotmail.com Date: Tue … Continue reading “Rev. Michael E. Schmidt”
Religious Right Attacks SpongeBob SquarePants
(from the these people seriously need to get a life dept.) US right attacks SpongeBob video: Focus on the Family and other groups say the video – a remake of the Sister Sledge hit, We Are Family – is a vehicle for pro-gay propaganda. The video’s makers plan to mail it to US schools in … Continue reading “Religious Right Attacks SpongeBob SquarePants”
Being Indian is…
(Stolen from Dark Bilious Vapors) BEING INDIAN IS ……… having a Christian missionary tell you it is wrong to believe in more than one Divine Being, then listen to him tell you about God, Jesus Christ, the Holy Ghost, the Virgin Mary, St. Joseph, St. Patrick, St. Christopher, St. Francis, etc. etc. — Rick Kerchee … Continue reading “Being Indian is…”
Falwell’s Thanksgiving message
(via Media Matters for America) I thank God now in the 21st century for talk radio, that three hours a day people like Sean Hannity1, Rush Limbaugh1,2, and hundreds of others are telling the truth of what really is going on. I thank God for FOX News Channel1. I thank God for the Internet bloggers … Continue reading “Falwell’s Thanksgiving message”
Republican Jesus
(via Jesus’ General) Blessed are the resolute for they shall not be held accountable for the deaths caused by their incompetence.
Galilean Citizens for Truth
(via Tina’s Shark Tank) What if Karl Rove lived during the time of Jesus? I suppose we would have something like Galilean Citizens for Truth.
I’ll be Damned…
(via Letters of Marque) The Dante’s Inferno Test has banished you to the Sixth Level of Hell – The City of Dis! Here is how you matched up against all the levels: Level Score Purgatory (Repenting Believers) Very Low Level 1 – Limbo (Virtuous Non-Believers) High Level 2 (Lustful) High Level 3 (Gluttonous) High Level … Continue reading “I’ll be Damned…”