Radical cleric Pat Robertson dies at 93

The only appropriate Pat Robertson obituary pic.twitter.com/rfixgrmhZt
— Wu Tang is for the Children (@WUTangKids) June 8, 2023
As Pat Robertson taught us, his death must be God's punishment for something.
— J. Elvis Weinstein (@JElvisWeinstein) June 8, 2023
Pat Robertson has died. He said gay people caused hurricanes and wore special rings which spread AIDS, and that gay marriage was worse than murder. He's survived by this poster on the wall of Mike Pence's bedroom pic.twitter.com/Shf5NThGZk
— Paul Rudnick (@PaulRudnickNY) June 8, 2023
Pat Robertson has died at 93. Never forget what Pat Robertson and Jerry Falwell Sr. said after 9/11. pic.twitter.com/PSu3ynGSBO
— Christian Nightmares (@ChristnNitemare) June 8, 2023
My Thoughts on Pat Robertson — Charlotte Clymer