Even when Microsoft tries to do good…

…they somehow manage to be at least a little bit evil. For example: Microsoft has put the Richard Feynman Messenger Series of lectures online. Which is definitely a good thing. Unfortunately, Silverlight is required to access the content of this page. Which wouldn’t be so bad, but this page doesn’t work with Moonlight. Apparently, we … Continue reading “Even when Microsoft tries to do good…”

Google Bombs Away

Remembering the First Google Bomb Earlier today, Matt Cutts and the Google software engineering team posted an update citing the progress they’ve been making fighting Google bombs. Back in the old days, these pranks were common practice, but they’ve become less prevalent thanks to Google’s diligence. That’s OK — link bombs are so 2001. In … Continue reading “Google Bombs Away”

Did anyone really miss it?

MySpace returns after power outage The popular social-networking site, which recently topped Yahoo Mail as the most-visited Web site in the United States, was disabled entirely as of 6:40 p.m. Pacific time Sunday. The home page was replaced by a placeholder with a message from MySpace founder Tom Anderson, who said that the site was … Continue reading “Did anyone really miss it?”

Ruby dooby doooo….

I’ve recently started learning Ruby. One could ask “why learn yet another scripting language, especially since Perl has served so well these past several years?” The only reason is the object oriented features of Perl seem tacked on as an afterthought, while Ruby is a is a complete, full, pure object oriented language: OOL (object … Continue reading “Ruby dooby doooo….”

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