Category: Internet
Bard: A Vile Troll
( “Who is a vile troll?” A vile troll is a person who uses the internet to spread hate, abuse, and threats. They often target people who are different from them, such as people of different races, religions, or sexual orientations. Vile trolls can cause a lot of harm to their victims, both emotionally and … Continue reading “Bard: A Vile Troll”
GPT-4: A Vile Troll
( “Who is a vile troll?” The term “vile troll” is a derogatory term used to describe an individual who engages in online behavior that is intentionally disruptive, offensive, and inflammatory. Trolls are individuals who create or participate in online discussions with the intention of provoking emotional reactions or derailing the conversation. A “vile troll” … Continue reading “GPT-4: A Vile Troll”
Free Trump Trading Cards
Facebook is a Toilet 2: Electric Boogaloo
Dear @facebook,Why are you constantly suggesting terrible right wing meme pages? Your suggestion algorithm must be really buggy or horribly biased to think I'm interested in these pages.— James A. Chappell (@J_A_Chappell) September 25, 2022
Twitter Censorship
Twitter didn’t like this response to a tweet posted by the domestic terrorist organization known as the NRA: The @nra can eat shit and die. This tweet was enough to get one sentenced to 12 hours in Twitter jail.
Tech Monopolies
Tech Monopolies – Last Week Tonight with John Oliver:
(more…)Data Brokers
Data Brokers – Last Week Tonight with John Oliver:
(more…)Torment Nexus
Sci-Fi Author: In my book I invented the Torment Nexus as a cautionary tale
— Alex Blechman (@AlexBlechman) November 8, 2021
Tech Company: At long last, we have created the Torment Nexus from classic sci-fi novel Don't Create The Torment Nexus
Misinformation – Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: