Make Your Own Bush/Cheney Poster

(via Daily Kos)

Make your own Bush/Cheney poster at the official Bush/Cheney web site.

Update: It was fun while it lasted, but you can only choose from a menu of states and a menu of coalition groups – there’s no longer a “fill in the blank” option.

Here’s a couple of examples of the fun that can be had:

Miserable Failure

Our Long National Nightmare Of Peace And Prosperity Is Finally Over

More can be found at these sites:

Where’s the Outrage?

(via corrente)

Bush Fund-Raisers Among Overnight Guests:

At least nine of Bush’s biggest fund-raisers appear on the latest list of White House overnight guests, covering June 2002 through December 2003, and-or on the Camp David list, which covers last year. They include:

_Mercer Reynolds, an Ohio financier, former Bush partner in the Texas Rangers baseball team and former ambassador to Switzerland. Reynolds is leading Bush’s campaign fund-raising effort. He was a guest at the White House and the Camp David retreat in Maryland’s Catoctin Mountains.

_Brad Freeman, a venture capitalist who is leading Bush’s California fund-raising effort, has raised at least $200,000 for his re-election campaign and is also a major Republican Party fund-raiser. Freeman stayed at the White House.

_Roland Betts, who raised at least $100,000 for Bush in 2000, was a Bush fraternity brother at Yale and a Texas Rangers partner. Betts stayed at the White House and Camp David.

_William DeWitt, a Bush partner in the oil business and Texas Rangers who has raised at least $200,000 for Bush’s re-election effort, stayed at the White House.

_James Francis, who headed the Bush campaign’s 2000 team of $100,000-and-up volunteer fund-raisers and was a Bush appointee in Texas when Bush was governor. Francis was a White House guest.

_Joseph O’Neill, an oilman and childhood friend who introduced Bush to Laura Bush and raised at least $100,000 for each of Bush’s presidential campaigns, stayed at the White House.

_Colorado Gov. Bill Owens and New York Gov. George Pataki, who each raised at least $200,000 for Bush’s re-election campaign, were White House guests.

_James Langdon, who raised at least $100,000 for Bush, is a Washington attorney specializing in international oil and gas transactions. Langdon, whose clients include the Russian oil company Lukoil, is a member of Bush’s foreign intelligence advisory board and served on Bush’s 2000 presidential transition team on energy policy

At this point, Bush might as well start getting blow jobs from interns (unless he already has…).

Wishful Thinking on Jobs

(via Eschaton)
Here’s a graph from Paul Krugman’s March 9, 2004 column:

A picture is worth a thousand words

Krugman then writes:

Economic forecasting isn’t an exact science, but wishful thinking on this scale is unprecedented. Nor can the administration use its all-purpose excuse: all of these forecasts date from after 9/11. What you see in this chart is the signature of a corrupted policy process, in which political propaganda takes the place of professional analysis.

There’s nothing like a simple graph to illustrate a point…

Top 15 Flip-Flops of George W. Bush

(via The Talent Show)

  1. Nation Building. Bush was against ‘nation building’ — NOW he’s for it.

  2. Homeland Security. Bush was against a Homeland Security Department — NOW he’s for it.

  3. U.N. Vote. Bush said he would demand a U.N. Security Council vote on whether to sanction military action against Iraq — DAYS LATER, he announced he would not call for a vote.

  4. Osama Bin Laden:
    • September 13, 2001, Bush: “The most important thing is for us to find Osama bin Laden. It is our Number One Priority and we will not rest until we find him.”
    • March 13, 2002, Bush: “I don’t know where he is. I have no idea and I really don’t care. It’s not that important. It’s not our priority.”

  5. 9/11 Commission. Bush was against a 9/11 commission — LATER he supported it.

  6. WMD Investigation. Bush was against an investigation into the Weapons of Mass Destruction absent in Iraq — LATER he approved it.

  7. Middle East. Bush was against the U.S. taking a role in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict — NOW he pushes for a “road map” and a Palestinian State.

  8. North Korea. Bush said that the U.S. won’t negotiate with North Korea — NOW he will.

  9. Military Benefits. Bush said that ‘help is on the way’ to the military — LATER he cut their benefits.

  10. CO2 emissions. Bush said he would limit carbon dioxide emissions during his campaign — THEN, soon after taking office, he said he wouldn’t limit CO2 emissions.

  11. Deficits. Bush was against deficits — THEN he submitted budgets with the largest deficits in history, after inheriting a budget surplus from the previous administration.

  12. Trade. Bush said he was for free trade — THEN he imposed protectionist tariffs on steel — then he removed the tariffs.

  13. Gay Marriage. Bush was for states right to decide on gay marriage — NOW he is for changing the constitution.

  14. Immigration from Mexico. Bush was for fingerprinting and photographing Mexicans who enter the US — AFTER meeting with Vicente Fox, he’s against it.

  15. National Guard Records. Bush told Tim Russert he would release all of his National Guard records — BUT he hasn’t: his final discharge (DD-214) is missing

Daily Kos has some more on Bush’s flip flops.

Waffle Recipes

From the Albany Democrat-Herald: Best waffle recipes

From Your house becomes Waffle House with clone recipe

And then there’s Homer Simpson’s Space-Age Out-of-This-World Moon Waffles:


  • One bag caramel cubes
  • Waffle mix
  • One bottle Liquid Smoke
  • One stick butter


  • Empty bag of caramels onto waffle iron.
  • Add generous portion of waffle batter (Oooooh… Waffle runoff…).
  • Add one bottle of Liquid Smoke.
  • Cook until burnt.
  • Wrap waffle around a stick of butter.
  • Serve on a toothpick.

Oh no, Not Again

First, there was the infamous Sauron: Offer and acceptance. Now there’s the equally brilliant Elf Love:

In the mostly-alternate-universe of Harry Potter, supposedly giving an enslaved house-elf clothing frees the elf. However, the rules for what constitutes “giving” a house-elf clothing are not at all clear. A brief attempt at elucidation over lunch failed, as we lacked a physical copy of the record. A few points of interest follow:

The giving of clothing appears to be strict liability. We don’t care about either the intent of the giver to free an elf (accidentally “passing a sock” frees) or the intent of the elf to be freed (Hermione can leave socks hidden under rubble in order to trick house elves into freedom). So it seems that there’s no intent requirement for the gift of clothing. Leaving aside the question of who does the laundry, what kind of delivery suffices? Clearly, handing a sock to an elf would free it, even if it was handed absent-mindedly. Dobby was freed when his master tossed a sock in the air and Dobby caught it, so the master doesn’t even have to intend to hand the sock to the elf.

I dunno, I think most of us are better off with with minds full of mush 🙂

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