Scientists and Engineers for America

(via the Bad Astronomy Blog)


Check out the Bill of Rights for Scientists and Engineers:

Effective government depends on accurate, honest and timely advice from scientists and engineers. Science demands an open, transparent process of review and access to the best scholars from around the nation and the world. Mistakes dangerous to the nation’s welfare and security have been made when governments prevent scientists from presenting the best evidence and analysis. Americans should demand that all candidates support the following Bill of Rights:

  1. Federal policy shall be made using the best available science and analysis both from within the government and from the rest of society.

  2. The federal government shall never intentionally publish false or misleading scientific information nor post such material on federal websites.

  3. Scientists conducting research or analysis with federal funding shall be free to discuss and publish the results of unclassified research after a reasonable period of review without fear of intimidation or adverse personnel action.

  4. Federal employees reporting what they believe to be manipulation of federal research and analysis for political or ideological reasons should be free to bring this information to the attention of the public and shall be protected from intimidation, retribution or adverse personnel action by effective enforcement of Whistle Blower laws.

  5. No scientists should fear reprisals or intimidation because of the results of their research.

  6. Appointments to federal scientific advisory committees shall be based on the candidate’s scientific qualifications, not political affiliation or ideology.

  7. The federal government shall not support any science education program that includes instruction in concepts that are derived from ideology and not science.

  8. While scientists may elect to withhold methods or studies that might be misused there shall be no federal prohibition on publication of basic research results. Decisions made about blocking the release of information about specific applied research and technologies for reasons of national security shall be the result of a transparent process. Classification decisions shall be made by trained professionals using a clear set of published criteria and there shall be a clear process for challenging decisions and a process for remedying mistakes and abuses of the classification system.

Polygraph: Science Moved On

(via What’s new by Bob Park – Friday, September 22, 2006)


Eighteen years ago, WN said, “the polygraph can’t tell a lie from the sex act,” (WN 4 Mar 88) . It still can’t, but Monday, the Office of the Inspector General of the the Justice Department released a 20-page report on the use of the polygraph by the Justice Department. The polygraph is used slightly less as an investigative tool (recall it failed to expose the Green River killer). But it is used increasingly to screen employees (recall it missed CIA super-mole Aldrich Ames, and has never uncovered a single spy). Meanwhile, brain research became the hottest frontier after physicists developed fMRI brain scanning, revealing what really goes on in our heads. The report never mentions all the unrefuted science showing the polygraph is worse than useless. Nor does it mention fMRI research advances.


Friday Random Ten: 2006-09-22

1. The Great DebateDream TheaterSix Degrees Of Inner TurbulenceMetal
2. FragolinoBilly CobhamThe TravelerJazz
3. Recuerdos (Reminiscences)Stan KentonCuban Fire!Jazz
4. Comes A TimeNeil YoungGreatest HitsRock
5. After The GoldrushNeil YoungGreatest HitsRock
6. Red Dragon TattooFountains Of WayneUtopia ParkwayAlternative & Punk
7. Solo in 4 Movements – Prelude: TemenosTerry BozzioSolo Drum Music (Disc 1) World
8. End Of The NightThe DoorsThe DoorsRock
9. Look At Their WayWall Of VoodooCall Of The WestAlternative & Punk
10. Zoot AlluresFrank ZappaZoot AlluresAlternative & Punk

Jim Talent Stands for Spammers

Now Jim Talent is sharing his ill-gotten email list…

Subject: Jim Talent Stands for Small Business
From: “Lisa Goeas, Vice President, Political” <>
To: me

Dear James,

The stakes have never been higher for small business. That’s why the National Federation of Independent Business – the nation’s leading small-business advocacy association – wants you to know where Jim Talent stands on the issues.

[rest of email deleted]

I’m willing to give the National Federation of Independent Business the benefit of doubt and assume they got my email address thinking Jim Talent had permission to share my email address with other organizations. To be clear, Jim Talent does not even have permission to send unsolicited emails to me much less share my address with others.

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